Sunday, August 17, 2008

5 Things You'll Never Hear Me Say

Here are my 5 to get us started. Make sure to leave a post for yourself, or even for someone else. EVERYONE is invited!

1) No thanks, I've had enough sweets for today
2) It's ok honey, I don't need a back massage today
3) Another messy diaper that leaked through the diaper, shorts, and runs from your toes to your ears... YIPEE!
4) I am so glad Winter is coming! There's nothing like scary driving, shorter days and taking twice as long to get out the door.
5) Wow! Everyone in the family is using the Baldridge Blog! :) (j/k, I would actually love to say this one day)


Anonymous said...

1. I really love my job!
2. Can we please get another cat?
3. I can't think of one more problem to fix with the house.
4. I need to gain five more pounds.
5. Who stole my Brooks & Dunn CD?

Connie said...

1. I have GOT to stop losing so much weight!
2. I can't think of anything to do!
3. I bought the most darling bikini!
4. Why don't you turn it to the wrestling show?
5. Yeah, I signed up for the NY marathon.

Janet Fonoimoana said...

1. That's okay son, don't worry about curfew. Just come home when you want.
2. I can't wait until they come out with another Star Wars movie!
3. Doing sit ups is my favorite part of the day!
4. I really wish it wouldn't rain so much in Utah.
5. Why would I want to go on a cruise? The only thing you can see is blue ocean.

Anonymous said...

1. No, I would not like some M&M's.
2. It's ok you don't have to do your homework.
3. Yes Ben you can do anything you want.
4. No Sophia, I'm too old to make chocolate chip cookies.
And last but not least.....
5. Who ever thought of "No Child Left Behind" was a genius!

Seth said...

1. Could you pass the peas please?
2. Your dog is so cute! Can I pet him?
3. No thanks, I'm trying to lose weight.
4. Hurry up! We're going to miss the kickoff!
5. Yes! My computer crashed 4 times today! A new personal best!